Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Accepted His Message

Accepted His Message

There is a phase that has always stuck with me, “FAITH IS NOT TAUGHT, IT IS CAUGHT.” This is relevant to this scripture. You see, Peter spent three years following Jesus around, listening to him preach, being a witness to miracles, yet he still didn’t learn. That is until after Jesus rose from the dead and Peter was able to ‘catch’ on that everything Jesus did and said was in order to fulfill the scriptures.

Peter is the one who denied Jesus three times! However, it was also Peter who was challenged often in the Gospel. Jesus yelled at him, “Get behind me Satan” when Peter tried to stand in Jesus’ was of the path he was on (Matthew 16:23). Then shortly after that experience, Peter is with Jesus at the top of the mountain when they experience the Transfiguration. Peter tries to make good by saying, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijiah” (Matthew 17:4). Peter again doesn’t get it right!

However, it is Peter whom Jesus believed would ‘catch’ the faith. If Jesus didn’t have confidence in Peter he would not have asked him to “feed his sheep” as it is written in the Gospel of John, chapter 21:10-19. This exchange happens AFTER Jesus rose from the dead. Three times Jesus asks Peter if he loved him and three times Peter responds, YES Lord! You know I do, showing us how quickly Jesus forgives us!!!

In this scripture passage, Peter is on fire with faith! He has the confidence of Jesus in his corner, but more he has the power of the Holy Spirit with him, reminding him of his baptism. Peter is calling all people to remember what Jesus did for us and the scripture even says those gathered were, “cut to the heart” when Peter reminded them of Jesus’ brutal death. He said the least we can do is repent for our sins and become baptized; that is what they did!

It’s like when you go to church each week to be filled with the Word of God and Jesus’ body and blood; you are reminded of who you are and to whom you belong. It gives you the nourishment to continue on, to live out your call. It began at your baptism, whether it was chosen for you or by you, it is a call to something more than the world can give.

Baptism is the gate we pass through to release us from original sin and it puts us on the right path. It doesn’t end there though. We must take the necessary steps forward to follow the path. There is no promise it will be easy, rather that we will need to rely on God to help us through some tough terrain. The promise instead is that there is life beyond this one and Jesus is there preparing a special dwelling just for you…should you accept his message as the Gospel truth!

I Shall Not Want

I Shall Not Want

Draw Us Near

Draw Us Near