Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Follow In His Footsteps

Follow In His Footsteps

Most people are familiar with the “Footprints in the Sand” poem where a person is reflecting back on their life while talking to Jesus about how at times there were two sets of footprints but during some of the hardest times, there were only one. The author of the poem then questions Jesus about why, when they needed Jesus the most, Jesus hadn’t been there. Jesus replies, that is when He was carrying them.

I can’t go to a beach without thinking of this poem, nor can I see a simple footprint without being reminded of how Jesus is with me, ALWAYS. It’s crazy how a simple poem can hold so much meaning and have such an impact on the lives of many. This is the power of a sacramental; something which holds increased value or an object which draws you to show increased devotion.

The photo holds increased value to me as it is of my daughters’ feet on the shores of Dauphin Island, Alabama. When I think of it within the frame of the scripture verse, “follow in his footsteps” it gives me much to reflect upon. When the photo was taken in 2015, my girls were 20, 19 and 16. The older two were in college and working, not living at home and my youngest was “stuck at home with the parents.”

It was on this vacation that I remember thinking just how grateful I am for my family. Primarily because we didn’t all live under the same roof anymore and the girls were adults or nearly adults now, exhibiting their independence. They were out in the world, making decisions on their own and determining their way.

In this photo, they are all together and for a Mom, when they see their kids together it really gives them a warm fuzzy inside. More so, it warms me as I think about the steps they would take from that point. It is symbolic of them standing together as one and then after the vacation, they would all go back to going in different directions.

My prayer as a parent who did the best I could to model discipleship for them, is that they turn to God for advice as they make the decision on which way to go. I hope whichever direction they choose, they listened and followed the voice of God, in Jesus’ footsteps. My faith tells me that even if they take a few wrong turns or have some missteps along the way that Jesus will ALWAYS be there with them to help them get on the right path.

Jesus is the Gate

Jesus is the Gate

I Shall Not Want

I Shall Not Want