Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.



I love the word enlighten.  Of course, the core word light ignites images of brightness and feelings of warmth or describes the weight of something.  For me, enlighten encompasses both.  It is a word that says, ‘I’ll light your way and make your load light’.

So, when someone says they want to enlighten me on a subject, I expect them to show me what I need to know and they will make it easy for me to understand.  Sort of like the books with the title (subject) for Dummies or Cliff Notes for Classic Novels, the word enlighten describes to me getting the 4-11 on the subject efficiently in a manner I can then apply.

Saint Paul, in his very first letter to the Ephesians, asks for God to ‘enlighten the eyes of hearts so we know the hope that belongs to our call.’  Why use the word enlighten?  Shouldn’t he have said open?  I mean, open the eyes makes more sense.  How do I enlighten eyes?

Well, back to my input on the definition of enlighten.  I think more emphasis needs to be put on giving my eyes the light to see God and the purpose for which he has created me.  When I look with eyes impacted by the shadows of the world, I am not seeing clearly.  My path can be hidden by other people’s expectations for me or their own agendas.  I need to enlighten my eyes so I see clearly the path in front of me.

Then for the lighter part, when I am on the right path, I am not carrying around all the baggage put on me by others.  And what I do need for my journey, God is there helping me carry the load so it is light.  Saint Paul is saying shed the ideals you’ve been taught before and find hope in this new way.

At the time of Jesus, people were shunned if they didn’t look how they were supposed to look or act how they were supposed to act.  There were professions that were looked down upon and women were sent away when they were menstruating because they were thought to be unclean during that time of the month.  There was a lot of emphasis put on conformity within the social norms set by religion or dictators, whomever you gave authority to.

Times haven’t changed too much.  Social media and Marketing play a huge role today dictating where you should shop, what brands you should buy and what products you need to make you look like any number of athletes or celebrities.  The problem is many don’t paint an accurate picture of the world we live in because they are targeting specific demographics of people in their ads.

Before words like slavery and racism even became words in the dictionary, people were segregating and targeting people.  This scripture passage is Saint Paul saying, NO MORE!  He’s saying, get rid of all that crap.  Stop putting blame on others.  Stop weighing them down with shame.  The only way to get through is to enlighten, to see every person equally the way God sees and to love equally, unconditionally.

To see others through the light, regardless of differences of any kind.  This includes people who vote differently, have different colored skin, whatever gender or physical ability; should be seen through the eyes of Christ.  And not just stop there but to also remove the weight of all the negative words, treatment, and judgment; which requires forgiveness, acceptance and love.  This is what Jesus came to teach.  This is what Jesus died to give us.

The actual definition of enlighten is “to give greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.”  Jesus did this. Then Saint Paul, following in his footsteps preached the message to all the nations.  This is the hope that belongs to our call; to shine light on and lighten the load of those Jesus came to save.  Each of us are to enlighten the oppressed, the imprisoned and the outcast.  This is the call to which each human being is to strive to achieve, for it is the purpose for which we have been created. 

May this be the generation who finally listens to the words of Saint Paul and follow the example of Jesus.  Let us love as Jesus loves and treat ALL people the way we want to be treated.  This is the Gospel Message, go and spread the good news!

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