Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Flaming Torch

Flaming Torch

In 2002, the Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah. An important part of the Olympics is the opening ceremonies where the Olympic Torch is brought into the arena to signify the beginning of the Olympics.

The torch, on its way to Salt Lake City, made a pit stop in Kansas City. It stopped at the Gas Equipment Company where my Father-In-Law worked to receive maintenance before its big day!

While it was at the shop, my family was able to go and see it. I imagine anyone driving by who might have seen the flame wouldn’t give it any thought, but standing there in the parking lot, knowing the flame was coming from the Olympic torch, it was a vision to behold.

This experience reminds me of God’s love.

So many people have heard about it and seen it, and when you are up close to it, it is like nothing you’ve ever seen. I’ll bet you remember the very moment when you first came in contact with God’s love, where you were and who you were with, perhaps even how it felt.

For me, it was like the flame coming from the torch, an uprising of love burning inside of me. And like the Olympic torch, I am meant to carry this fire within me to wherever I’m called to go!

On Fire

On Fire

Count The Stars

Count The Stars