Making Scripture Relevant

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Go in Peace

Fear paralyzes.

Fear hold you back.

Fear keeps you from experiences that could bring you joy.

Fear opens the door to doubt and self-sabotage.

Fear allows space for negativity.

This is NOT how God wants YOU to live!!!

In the book, “Braving the Wilderness” by Brene Brown, she says “fear leads you astray”. I 100% agree! My faith has taught me that fear wears many disguises and can sometimes trick you into believing that God is testing your faith and commitment to him…NO!…God already knows your heart! It’s the devil testing your faith and commitment to God so he knows if you can be tricked into listening to him instead.

The best book I read to help solidify my belief about this is “The Interior Castle” by Teresa of Avila, Saint and Doctor of the Catholic Church. She shared how God might test us from time to time but it is in order for us to know and understand our faith better, not because he need to know. God sent Jesus to show us the way and to bring us peace. St. Teresa shares how each believer goes through seven levels of understanding , like rooms in a castle. At each level, we battle different elements of fear, self doubt and come to find the peace we seek.

Remember after Jesus was crucified and the disciples were afraid, gathered in the upper room with the door locked? Jesus appeared to them. The first thing he said was “Peace be with you”. I go back to this all the time…if Jesus’ first words to the disciples were “Peace be with you”, then that is the most important thing he wants for us!!! And the peace Jesus gave his disciples after he resurrected from the dead is also shared with us through the Holy Spirit. It is so beautiful!

So, just like Simeon in this scripture, who by the way was filled with the Holy Spirit, we can see Jesus and find peace!