Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Indeed Bears Fruit

Indeed Bears Fruit

Indeed Bears Fruit There is a saying, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I’ve heard it used to describe a child who is acting similar to a parent in a positive or negative light. It reflects how the child learned a specific behavior from their parent.

Psychologists debate whether behaviors are based on nature, the innate part of how we were made or nurture, learned by living in the environment. It’s been a long-time debate and many studies have been done on the subject. I tend to disagree that it is one or the other, rather I believe there is a little of BOTH happening.

For example, I met a person at work, whom I later found out, also knew my Mom. The first few times we were around one another, they said they felt like there was something very familiar about me. When they found out the two of us were related, they said they knew by our mannerisms. It was the way we lean in to listen or how we make people feel welcomed. These qualities could be something my Mom modeled for me by simply being who she is or I could have learned them through school and other specialized training. Either way, it was obvious to this person that my Mom and I were related.

This observation happened to me in the opposite situation when my daughter left her job and I filled in until a replacement was hired. There were several people who had worked with my daughter in the five years she had the position, so when they met me, they were timid and afraid they might not like me as much as they liked her. I didn’t tell people right away that I was her Mother, rather let them get to know me. It was actually fun revealing the truth to them later and like with my Mom’s friend, they too had felt like there was something familiar about me. And, like with my Mom, the mannerisms, our actions of being friendly, welcoming, smiling and good listeners that pointed to us being in relationship.

I know for certain, my family is not the only crew who are good listeners, friendly and make people feel welcomed. There are several people who have these same qualities! So, it’s not about being a part of my family tree, but God’s family tree. I think when we are connected to the source of good deeds and kindness, the one whose name is love, then we are the apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree. So when Jesus says, “I am the vine and YOU are the branches…” what is the only reasonable explanation? We are all God’s children, born from the same tree!

We will “indeed bear fruit” when we are connected to the Father. We will survive the weeds, the pecking, the trampling and grow despite the troubles we endure because we are planted in good soil. It is a part of our nature, who we were created to be. And because of how we were created, with a natural desire to seek God, we come to know what it means to be a Christian. We begin to pray. Read the scripture. And through prayer and actions, more and more good seeds are planted in us to nurture. We come to grow solid roots so we can bear good fruit ourselves, which we pray will have a solid foundation to grow on through our example.

I’ll just let the psychologists continue to debate whether behavior is caused by nature or nurture. I choose to believe you need both. I’m created by God to seek him and desire to follow in his ways and through my baptism, and pray I grow in many ways, the fruits of the spirit!

Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Patience, Goodness, Joy, Chastity, Charity, Modesty, Self-Control, Generosity and Peace!

Make Me Whole

Make Me Whole

Plant Seeds

Plant Seeds