Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Lift me UP

Lift me UP

When I’m down, it is most likely because I haven’t had time to meditate or exercise. The time I spend taking care of my body is also time for me to spend with God. The moment I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I can feel God’s presence.

People talk about endorphins that give you a high after you exercise, yes these are real. But also just as real is the fullness of joy and comfort you feel when you spend time with God. It can be in my house, my car or while on a walk, my spirit is lifted and I feel I can take on anything after I spend time in prayer.

We are beings, created by God. When I do yoga and feel my body stretching or when I am walking or riding my bike and I need to push my body, I am close to God. I am praising God for my abilities and calling on Him for strength. This is a time for me to connect to God.

Mind. Body. Spirit. This time to connect on a deep level with my mindfulness on God, with my body feeling alive fills my spirit so I can take on anything that comes my way! Lord, lift me up today!

I welcome YOU

I welcome YOU

Open the Door

Open the Door