Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

I welcome YOU

I welcome YOU

In today’s society there are many things that keep us away from one another. We can deposit checks online and no longer have to go into the bank and make small talk with the teller. We can order food on the computer or from an app on the phone to be delivered to our home and don’t have to go out to enjoy a good meal. And probably, the one that really frustrates me is when you step into an elevator, if someone is already on it, they bury their head in their phone as though to ward off conversation.

One of my favorite authors and motivational speakers, Andy Andrews shares a story about how several years ago people would sit out on their front porches and wave at their neighbors to welcome them home. We would invite others into our homes and offer them a comfortable seat and something to drink so they would feel welcomed. Now people gather in their backyards, away from their neighbors. They put up fences to separate themselves as to say you are not welcome here.

Further, we used to get excited when the doorbell would ring and run to answer it to find out who was there. Now when the doorbell rings the people in the home drop to the floor, mute the TV and pray for whoever is at the door will go away quickly. It’s the same with the telephone. When I was a kid, we’d run to answer the phone just to see who it was who was calling and now people don’t pick up the phone if the number on the screen doesn’t display a person’s name or number with whom we want to talk.

When a new group of parents come to the class I teach, they come into the room timidly, often keeping their phone out as though it is a weapon. Sometimes they will respond to my cheerful hello with the same feeling but more often they mumble their greetings without emotion. I try to welcome them to the class and “bribe” them with fun table decor and snacks but they are hesitant to let down their guard.

We don’t know how to welcome people into our homes or our lives anymore! We don’t allow ourselves to experience human interaction long enough to let our guard down. We are afraid of being hurt or being judged so we put up our phones or a fence. If we can’t welcome our neighbors, how can we welcome God?

Last week’s Gospel shared the story of Zaccheaus. He didn’t know Jesus. He heard Jesus was coming to town and Zaccheaus climbed up into a tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus. What I love about this story is that Zaccheaus was curious and didn’t feel worthy to be with the crowds who were welcoming Jesus so he tried to blend into the background. NOPE! Jesus saw him.

Jesus sees us too when we don’t welcome our neighbor home with a wave or when we act like we don’t see the person in the elevator. He sees when we don’t hold the door open for a stranger at the store or don’t look the cashier in the eyes to recognize and acknowledge them as a child of God. Welcoming Jesus into our lives or hearts goes hand and hand with welcoming others. How is God calling you to welcome others today???

Be Content

Be Content

Lift me UP

Lift me UP