Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Be Content

Be Content

When I look at this picture, I can image being out on a beautiful fall afternoon with the sun shining down on me and leaves falling and crunching under my feet. This is how I imagine contentment. It is in moments like this when I feel wrapped up in God’s love and protection. I feel anything is possible and nothing can stop me and nothing can hurt me.

However, this feeling doesn’t always last very long because I am startled by a lawn mower starting or a cloud covers the sun or cool breeze cuts through me. Though the moment is interrupted, the initial feeling of wrapped up in God’s love and protection is not…it is still there. Just because I don’t feel it, or acknowledge God’s presence in my life doesn’t mean I’m not loved or protected.

It reminds me of when I was at a religious conference and my friend kept hearing the word, BELOVED. The word seemed to pop up in every workshop she attended. We later reflected on how this word is significant for us to understand in the sense of knowing we are special to God. But further, we discussed the importance for is to allow ourselves to BE-LOVED by God. It was a humbling reminder that we do need to slow down and allow God to love us, like in this image.

Take time to allow God to love you. It is time well spent. Be content.

Strengthen them

Strengthen them

I welcome YOU

I welcome YOU