Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

My Needs

My Needs

What I want and what I need are often NOT the same. I can want to sit on the couch and binge watch the latest popular series but I need to go to work or exercise or call a friend. Though, getting cozy on the couch can satisfy me for a while, I can and will become regretful or guilty for not taking care of the other tasks for which I am responsible.

The difference between want’s and need’s are one of the toughest lessons to learn as a child. We want the newest and latest in all things media and fashion. When we go to the store, we want the cereal or snack which we have seen the commercials advertise and throw a fit or pout when our parents tell us no. As teens we want a new car but inevitably end up with a clunker of a vehicle that we have to share with our siblings.

Often at our first chance of freedom, we can’t wait to satisfy the wants which we fool ourselves into believing are needs. This lesson was still a tough one to learn during my young adult years, thinking I needed a brand named item when a generic was actually what my budget could afford. It was when I became the parent, doing my best to teach my children the difference, that I began to realize how different the two things were.

There is a maturity that happens when you can see the difference. Yes, there are times when the child inside screams so loud that you can’t hear the rational thoughts telling you not to. Sometimes it’s our ego that push us to “go big or go home” or tell us we somehow “deserve” the up-grade when the average is satisfactory.

I can pinpoint the moment when the division between my wants and needs became extremely clear. It was the day I sat sobbing at the foot of the crucifix and surrendered my life to Jesus. At that moment of vulnerability, I 100% believed that God would provide for all of my needs. I resolved to be grateful for whatever came my way.

When I look back at the before that moment and the after of that moment, I see myself differently. Before I was a victim of my circumstances. I grabbed at and yearned for anything I could get my hands on, telling myself that I wanted it. Afterwards, I was more deliberate about choices, more disciplined. If I needed it, God would provide it.

Today, with the Corona-virus Pandemic in our midst, the world is facing this same question, what do I want and what do I need? The leaders of the world, US and our states/cities are working to determine what will keep the virus from spreading and how to best keep people safe. What do we want? What do we need?

During this time, many people struggle with determining the difference between the two. Children want to go to the park and play but they need to practice social distancing so need to stay in their yards. Adults want to go to go to the gym or meet their friends for happy hour after work but they gyms and restaurants are closed so they need to figure out a new way to stay fit and connected.

The “Shelter in Place” order causes some businesses to be closed down and others trying to figure out how to work from home. Determining what you want and what you need in order to have business as usual becomes a dilemma which causes much stress! And it is apparent by the empty shelves at the grocery store, many people don’t know how to determine the difference and are purchasing food and other supplies because they don’t WANT to run out and take more than they NEED.

At the end of the day, I still wake up each morning, grateful for a new day and go to sleep each night, still grateful. I know in my heart God provides me with the things I need and I vow to live in the present so I can be fully aware of the blessings laid upon me. My only WANT is to create the space I NEED so God can fill me.



