Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.



When my girls were small, I did my best to never make a promise. Mostly because I didn’t want to break their hearts because I’m human and can only do so much. As a Mom with three little kids running around, I knew I would be unable to predict what each day would bring. I’m also not the best at estimating how much time tasks will take so inevitably time would slip by and we’d not get to the thing I’d promise, then it would induce some kind of blow-up. I wanted to avoid this at all costs; plus I didn’t want to disappoint them cause that would break MY heart!

I still don’t like to make promises because I still can’t control the outcomes. Do I think I am reliable? Yes. Do I think I am trustworthy? Yes. But if I say I will do something, I don’t promise because there is always a chance of it won’t get done. I still fear time will get away from me and I’ll be unable to complete the task requested.

This is NOT the case for God though. God doesn’t fear letting you down or running out of time. God makes a promise and makes it happen. WHY? It’s easy, God already knows what is going to happen today, tomorrow, the next day and the next. His is literally the wizard, not just the man behind the curtain, making promises and fulfilling them completely.

God promises each day that when the sun goes down at night, it will come back up in the morning. This you can count on and set your watch to :-)

Awaken Me

Awaken Me

My Needs

My Needs