Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Making Things Happen

Making Things Happen

The song, Known, by Tauren Wells ( begins with these words…

“It’s so unusual while it’s frightening, you see right through the mess inside me, and you call me out to pull me in, you tell me I can start again, and I don’t need to keep on hiding.”

The Lord has called you…YOU! And like the lyrics of the song, it’s hard to imagine this to be true because we don’t feel worthy of love, let alone the love of God. Love without condition or expectation.

If you listen to the entire song, you’ll hear the refrain, and maybe not get it out of your head like me :-) But is says, God know you and loves you anyways. This is so hard to understand but it is the most amazing, selfless gift to be given. The scripture passage says God formed you and created you for a purpose…God is already proud of you! I believe no matter how often we think we have failed or fallen short on hitting a mark, no matter how inadequate we think we are, God loves us for exactly how we are in this very moment.

I love the words on the notebook in this image too, “making things happen". That is exactly what the Lord does! And the most perfect part of that is God does it with people whom the rest of the world would say are not good enough or are less than. Look at the evidence in the scripture when God calls David, a young shepherd boy, or Abraham, an old man to lead his people, or Moses who had a speech impediment or Mary, a pregnant unwed teenager…all of these people didn’t meet the worlds expectations or fit their definition of qualified.

The Lord has called YOU! It is God’s unconditional love that makes you the perfect person to do what God has called you to do. Let’s make things happen!

Draw closer to God

Draw closer to God

Human Expectations

Human Expectations