Making Scripture Relevant

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April 20, 1999 is a day many will not forget.

It is when two students of Columbine High School in a suburb of Denver Colorado decided to shoot up the school.

A total of 13 people died, including two students who brought the guns to school, via suicide.

The Columbine Massacre, as it is known, was the first of unfortunately many other school shootings.

When I hear the word obedience, I am often taken back to the story of one of the girls who was shot and killed that day…Cassie Bernall.

Her story is shared in a compelling book titled, “She Said, YES.”

The reason I think of her is because, when asked by one of the shooters if she believed in God, she answered YES.

She answered YES, despite the fact there was a gun to her head.

Her YES ended in her death.

This is obedience.

I want to have this same conviction of faith and the strength to say YES.

Jesus had it.  Cassie had it. 

And my prayer is that I can follow their example of showing obedience, even to the point of death.