Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Stand Strong in Faith

Stand Strong in Faith

There is a difference between knowing God and knowing of God. When you know God, you trust in His strength to overcome obstacles in your life. When you know God, you believe in miracles. When you know God, you hold onto the promises of faith.

This strength, knowledge and endurance is shown through stories in the Bible and through examples today. We hear of extreme stories of Daniel in the Lions Den or of Cassie Bernall from the Columbine HS shooting but people are tested and tormented for their faith and beliefs everyday, not covered by the news.

Recently a friend was talking about how she was beginning to feel beat up and abandoned by God because she thought she was doing everything right and good, but she felt she was being attacked. She said bad things just seem to seek her out and drag her down. I told her, it is not God that is causing the bad things to happen and she needed to continue to be faithful.

The next week she came back to me and thanked me for the advice. She said it was like the negative things began to melt away when she began to be more persistent with her prayer. She’d even taken my advice to shout out, “go away Satan, you aren’t welcome here” to which she said she immediately felt like she wasn’t carrying the load alone.

I believe when we are persistent in our prayers and really know and believe our God is more than enough, that we have the capability to persevere through any obstacles that comes our way. Jesus told many, “stand up, your faith has healed you” and it is because of our perseverance that we can come to know a deeper relationship with our creator!

Raise your hands!

Raise your hands!

Shout for Joy

Shout for Joy