Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

He is comforted

He is comforted

Death is a fact. Jesus defeated it and love you and I enough to share eternal life with us. Though there is still the fact…we will die.

Knowing death will come doesn’t consume my mind and actually at the age of 33, the age Jesus was when he died, I actually told a friend I was ready to die. Of course being ready and God being ready are two completely different things!

This scripture isn’t really about a rich man and a poor man. It is about how our lives matter and the choices we make today not only affect us but other people as well. It makes me reflect on whether I am living in the way God wants me to live, am I doing enough for my neighbors, have I expressed love to those whom I love in such a way they will know and feel my love even after I have died. Jesus died so we’d know…MIC DROP.

Photo Credits

Photo Credits

Compete Well

Compete Well