Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.


A movie I saw a while back was about a 30-year-old woman who had been overweight in high school gathered her group of friends together to celebrate meeting her weight loss. 

Her weight had kept her from participating in activities and stood in her way as an obstacle.  It was even a source of jokes among her friends and she accepted and allowed the derogatory names. 

Her journey in losing the weight was not just a physical journey but an emotional and spiritual one as well.  She changed her thoughts.  No longer did she allow people to call her names or make jokes about her size, nor did she hesitate to participate in the things she wanted to, even if it was more difficult because of her weight. 

When she called her friends together, they didn’t recognize her. 

She had imagined being able to celebrate this achievement of her weight loss with her friends and that they would be proud of her.  Instead, they all were wrapped up in their own battles of self-loathing they were unable to be happy for their friend.

The people she had looked up to and wanted to be like had become “Ugly People”(I believe this is the title of the movie). 

I share this as a challenge for you to make sure you are not too focused on your faults or scars that you are unaware of others around you. 

Also to perhaps open you up to something you will work on over the upcoming weeks of Lent. 

Jesus saw many unclean people, riddled with many diseases and he welcomed them in so they could be healed. 

What can you do this Lent to follow in Jesus’ footsteps? 

Remember though, you must first be healed before you can go out and give healing to others.

Your Paths

Your Paths

His Hand

His Hand