Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Your Paths

Your Paths

Teach me your paths.

This mentorship mentality is one that the world relied on for centuries.

Often a job/skill was passed on through the family such as farming or wood-working.

Later, children followed their parents into jobs due to lack of money or options, for example children leaving school to work in a factory or no money to go to college.

There are still some apprenticeship programs through some of the unions such as electricians or plumbers, but I think it is more a requirement of training than people truly wanting to pass on the things they have learned.

The mentorship mentality got lost somewhere.

Maybe it’s because the world has changed and before peoples dreams were only as big as the distance they could travel. 

Maybe it’s because of ambition or greed; people wanting more for their kids or for themselves.

Regardless of the reason, I believe it’s a lost art that needs resurrected.

It is difficult to find a Mentor, someone to look to for advice or to guide you through life.

Instead, today there are therapists and life coaches.  This isn’t really the same.

What I’ve concluded is that for me, Jesus is the perfect Mentor.

It is especially pertinent during the season of Lent and it occurred to me several years back when I was struggling.

I found what I needed in Jesus.  A listening ear, someone who had ‘been there and done that,’ and didn’t judge, just loved.

These are PERFECT qualities for a Mentor.

I’m pretty sure Jesus is open to accepting new mentees…although I think he calls them DISCIPLES 😊

He Remained

He Remained

