Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Something Out Of Nothing

Something Out Of Nothing

You and I are quite literally made of dirt, or at least our bodies are created from the earth.

In essence, God created ALL things from nothing. 

Read the story of creation in Genesis and you’ll see that one day there was nothing and the next there was the division of light and dark, land and water, etc.

So, on Ash Wednesday, people came to church so they could be marked with the ashes.

I had the honor and privilege to spend four hours in the vestibule of the church, giving people the opportunity to come, receive ashes and pray.*

Ashes are such an important symbol for many people to start Lent. And I was so grateful I was able to be there to offer it to people. Individuals. Young families. Every age, race and gender. It was so beautiful to see people come and allow me to sprinkle ashes on their heads.**

I would say, “Remember, you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

A very humble way to begin the forty-day journey in the desert called Lent; the acknowledgement that you are made from nothing.

Though, thankfully you and I know the end of the story is filled with the good news of the empty tomb, but it shouldn’t detract from fully going all in to experiencing the emotions of Lent.

Really imagine being created from the earth and walking through the desert for the next forty days.

Like Jesus, I’ll bet you’ll find Angels ministering to you and the devil tempting you.

It’s these experiences which remind me of the words I said as I sprinkled ashes, I am dust and one day my body will return to the earth but my spirit will return to God!

*(This option was very much appreciated during this time when many are not congregating in large groups)

**(no cross this year, no-contact Ash giving).

Who Can Be Against

Who Can Be Against

He Remained

He Remained