Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

He Remained

He Remained

Forty days in the desert.  Forty days of Lent.

Yes, that is symbolism!

The season of Lent is to be a time in the desert.  Many Catholic Churches remove the *Holy Water Fonts because there is no water in the desert.

The Church doesn’t administer the Sacrament of Baptism to show reverence to the understanding there is no water in the desert.

The interior decorations during Lent are scaled back and often display stones or other items which indicate dryness.

In my home, I don’t take down my Christmas decoration until the first weekend of February.  When I do this, my house looks plain and empty.

This is my way of living through the season of Lent, from abundance/joy/celebration to emptiness.

It’s a daily reminder for me to let go of distractions and empty myself of the things I don’t need.

This is why fasting is one of the primary components of Lent.

It’s not to cause us pain, rather to create the conditions for us to relate to Jesus.

So then, the lack of water enhances the experience.

The absence of it during Lent only enhances the symbolism of life, refreshment and renewal that comes at Easter when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and renew our Baptismal Promises.


You can ignore it or you can embrace it and enter fully into the Lenten experience. 

Come on…I dare you!


*though during the COVID pandemic, they are not in use to minimize the spread of the disease

Something Out Of Nothing

Something Out Of Nothing

Your Paths

Your Paths