Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Son of Man

Son of Man

I love the energy of the beginning of Advent!!! We start the season with such good intentions. We plan to spend more time in prayer. We want to be more aware of our blessings. Then life gets in the way!

We sing songs that fill us with cheer, not Christmas songs, though they do the same things, but Advent songs. Songs such as “Stay Awake” and “Be Ready”, reminding us to celebrate the coming of Jesus. These songs also to remind us to slow down.

However, this is the opposite of what the world tells us. The world tell us there are only XYZ number of shopping days left until Christmas…YIKES!

Instead, I hold onto the words of this Gospel…the Lord is coming. I can’t help but think my challenge during the holidays is to be Christ to others. The son of man will come but I gotta believe that the son of man is already here in me!

As I listen to Advent music (and Christmas music too), I wanna pause to pray and reflect on how I am doing in my life. Am I being Christ to my neighbors, family, coworkers or am I allowing the stress of the season and expectations of the world to dictate how I act.

The son of man will come to bring peace to the world. Peace with you!!!

Profound Peace

Profound Peace

Awake From Your Sleep

Awake From Your Sleep