Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Holy Mountain

Holy Mountain

Alright Twilight fans (book or movie), you will remember when Edward recites the scripture, “the lion lays down with the lamb” to Bella. He is saying she is very trusting of a natural enemy; someone who could cause her harm and even death.

This scripture passage is where that line is derived and it is used in the exact context of the scripture. God is telling us that there is a day when even natural enemies will sit together in harmony. There is a day where peace will be within each person, no matter religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.

Peace is achievable but it must start within. How do you find peace? When? How often?

Advent is a time in the Catholic Church when we can set aside time to reflect on how we are spreading peace, bringing comfort, sharing joy and most importantly being love to others.

Like Bella in the Twilight series, can you let go of fear to allow yourself to get to know, understand and find common ground with someone whom you feel you are naturally against? It takes one person to change in order for the ripple effect to bring and spread peace.

Encouragement of the Scriptures

Encouragement of the Scriptures

Profound Peace

Profound Peace