Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Encouragement of the Scriptures

Encouragement of the Scriptures

Too often we let the expectations of the world dictate our to do list and even our opinion of ourselves. When we allow these words into our soul it can be really toxic.

Each week when I gather with my ladies at scripture, it’s like we have pressed a pause button in life. We enter into an alternate universe where we are all on one accord and no one sees age or race, we only see the common love of God.

My favorite quote from this week came from a woman whom has been coming to the scripture group off and on since 2014. She has faced and overcome some really big obstacles and continues to battle. As we reflected on the scripture passage, she was empowered. She said, “Yes, I have a past but I also have a future.” She was talking about how sometimes people who know you can’t get past some of the choices you have made in the past or they haven’t healed from the hurt you caused them. She said even though she is trying to do better and make positive changes in her life, it is hard for some of her family to believe and trust her. She knows the past is something she can’t change, it’s only the future she can have an affect on and she is working on it. She struggles with this daily, but her words, “Yes, I have a past but I also have a future”, helps her stay focused on moving forward towards a better future.

She is inspired and encouraged by the scriptures. We have discussed more than once that it is God who gives us our worth, not any person on this earth, just God. I also quote Joyce Meyers whom I heard say in one of her talks, “We throw ourselves the best pity parties!”, meaning we know our own triggers and can cause ourselves to spiral into a deep hole without anyone’s help. I believe when we know these two things, then we have the knowledge and strength to overcome anything!

Read the Bible and you too will be encouraged!

Good Fruit

Good Fruit

Holy Mountain

Holy Mountain