Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Spirit Come Down

Spirit Come Down

The third part of the Holy Trinity often gets forgotten. I mean how many prayers do you hear address the Holy Spirit specifically in comparison to God or Jesus? It’s highly unfair :-)

Do you think it’s because we can imagine God out somewhere creating something and Jesus going fishing or performing a miracle but what do we imagine the Holy Spirit doing? I think that’s the thing…the Holy Spirit is right here with us, doing whatever it is we are doing right now! We are too close to the Holy Spirit to recognize the work it is doing in our lives.

Have you heard the expressions, “if it was a snake it would have bit you”, meaning it’s right in front of your face silly!!!

After Jesus was crucified and came back to visit with his disciples, he told them he was leaving the Holy Spirit with them. He was reassuring them that he was not leaving them alone. Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit then and it is still true today!!!

The Holy Spirit is that feeling in your gut that something isn’t right or the one pulling you in a direction you might be unsure about. The Holy Spirit is that little (good) angel on your shoulder guiding you, building up your confidence and giving you the courage and foresight you need to follow the path God has laid our for you! The Spirit has come down and it remains!!!

My Servant

My Servant

