Making Scripture Relevant

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Transforming Agents

God’s love is like the experience Peter had when he was on the mountain top witnessing the Transfiguration. It is hard to explain, you can hardly find words. The word most commonly used to describe God’s love and the only one that comes close to explaining it is UNCONDITIONAL.

But even this word is hard for the world to grasp because there is the quid-pro-quo mindset and the “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” attitude. Oh, and let’s not forget those who ‘want to be fair’ but fair to them is when they get a little (or a lot) more. There are conditions.  The disclaimers and the asterisks which point you to the ‘fine print’ that they don’t want you to read.

God’s love is unconditional. How can you explain it given your own experience of love and of the world. It’s hard!

I am grateful for my husband who is a regular example of unconditional love.

I have flaws.  I fail.  I don’t follow through.  I forget.  I say things I regret. EVERYDAY!

But every day, my husband shows up for me with a smile, a hug and an encouraging word, reminding me that despite all my faults, I am still loved.

Not only by him but God as well.

It is only because of my husband’s love for me that I am able to glimpse a little bit of understanding of God’s love. I consider myself lucky because I’ve been able to experience a little FLASH of the Transfiguration. The moment when God’s love was exemplified in Jesus.

I pray that you too have this experience and that you understand just how much you are loved exactly how you are right now. God doesn’t have conditions.  He loves you. 

This is hard to explain, even when I’ve felt it because it is I still can’t believe it is real. I think this is exactly how Peter, James and John felt when they were there on the mountain with Jesus.

I think like with all things, God’s timing is the best. He will reveal a little of his love at a time as to not overwhelm.

I think God’s love is even more powerful than any of us can even imagine. So, until God thinks I’m ready to handle his love at full throttle, I’m grateful for the love I am able to experience everyday.