Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

We are ALL Witnesses

We are ALL Witnesses

This image makes me go, HUM. I mean, here is this dude doing something outrageous while everyone around him is just watching. Sound like anyone else you know? Like Jesus, maybe???

I thought it was so appropriate to talk about how this was pretty much Jesus’ entire ministry life. He had travel companions but I think they primarily took care of the logistical things like where they would sleep and what they would eat. It was Jesus’ “show”. He was the one who people gathered to see and hear or to be healed by; it wasn’t the backstage crew.

The last concert I attended was at a big entertainment center and whenever I am there, I think about all of those people who make this one event happen. I mean for a concert, most attendees are there to see the main band/artist and probably don’t think about the person who made sure there was toilet paper in the bathroom stall or the person to changed the light bulb in the spotlight to make sure it was going to be at it’s brightest when called upon during the show. It’s these people, with the work ethic to get the job done without all of the glitter and glam or the screaming fans who I relate to the most.

You see, I’m not an extrovert and much prefer back stage to being on stage. I believe Jesus was an introvert too though. I think he didn’t want all this attention for doing all of the “crazy things” that he did. I think he needed those travel companions to help give Jesus his space. If you think about it, Jesus would go off by himself to pray and even in the story of the Woman at the Well, Jesus stayed behind in the outskirts of town while the disciples went in to make preparations. Jesus needed his space.

If Jesus was out there all by himself, I don’t know if he would have grew in popularity like he did. He needed the travel companions to be witness to all he did so they could spread the word about all the good Jesus was doing. They were there to take care of him so he had whatever it was he needed to do the most good and reach the most people.

Of course at the very end, before Jesus died, we were ALL witnesses of the crazy thing he did for ALL of us. Then as a special encore, Jesus rose from the dead and reappeared to those whom had supported him and traveled with him. Let’s give a shout to Jesus and all those who witnesses the craziness that happened over 2000 years ago AND make a point to tell everyone about the crazy things he continues to do in our lives of which we are witness to each and every day!

He Spoke to US on the Way

He Spoke to US on the Way

You Broke Through

You Broke Through