Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Withstand the Fire

Withstand the Fire

In life we tend to avoid difficult conversations and situations. We don’t like to be challenged or confronted. Lent reminds us that we are clay to be molded and forms; to be refined and finished in the fire.

Lent is a time for us to let go and let God do some forming and molding on us. It is meant to be a challenge. It is meant to hurt. Lent is about opening up and allowing God to help us, more deeply, become the people we are meant to be. Lent is our time to focus on the work we need to do and want to do because we love God and are grateful for our blessings and his sacrifice.

Let’s get to work! And as I’ve heard both Brene Brown and Rachel Hollis say, “embrace the suck!”


Leader: Let us remember…

ALL: we are clay.

Leader: As clay…

ALL: we must be molded.

Leader: As clay…

ALL: we can take on many forms.

Leader: As clay…

ALL: we are created perfectly.

Leader: As clay…

ALL: we withstand the fire.

Leader: This Lent…

ALL: we are clay!

Thousands of Blessings

Thousands of Blessings

One Righteous Act

One Righteous Act