Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Thousands of Blessings

Thousands of Blessings

Blessings upon blessings upon blessings….this is how God communicates to us what is important in our lives.

I can get so caught up in my own to do list, my worries, my plans and forget about my blessings. I can wake up focused on what I need to accomplish and when I lay my head back down on the pillow at night, I haven’t taken even one second to be grateful for the thousands of blessings I received just in that one day!

Each day is filled with thousands of blessings and I can be blind to many of them…taking them for granted. I can also allow my thoughts to turn negative which can keep me from seeing some of my blessings or cause me to be neglectful of blessings I have and not nurturing them. For one example, having adult children means I don’t always get to see them on a daily basis or even speak to them. I love them of course but there are times when I go a week or more without hearing their voices and I want them to know I love them every day!

Sometimes it takes extreme measures to “wake me up” or “open my eyes” to the blessings before me.

Two days ago my Dad suffered a heart attack, it was his second. The text message came early and I didn’t even see it until after I was ready to head to work. That kind of news stops the world from turning. My first reaction was, what? I have to get to work! Of course, I heard how ridiculous it sounded the moment I said it out loud to my husband.

Once I spoke to my Mom, I was able to contact my girls and let them know what had happened. It is in moments like this when I am grateful for my family but kick myself for not letting them know how much I love and appreciate them. It shouldn’t have to take someone having a near death experience for me to express my gratitude for the blessing of my family.

On the defense, as far as families go, we do get along and we do gather and celebrate often. The thing is though, sometimes I’m grumbling about it or might get a bit of an attitude cause something didn’t go the way I wanted it to go. Instead I should be grateful.

It was pointed out to me by a close friend that she “loves my family” because we do all sorts of fun things together. She said she wished her family would get together more often but due to distance and some difficult personalities, they rarely get together. She even went as far as inviting herself to one of our family gatherings!

A reminder that even the things that might frustrate me or seem monotonous are blessings. I also was reminded that I have peers who don’t have parents or grandparents still alive and peers who had difficulty having children or have lost children, which can cause me to feel guilty for being soooo blessed!

Count your blessings each and every day, give thanks to God for he is good!

God's design

God's design

Withstand the Fire

Withstand the Fire