Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

God's design

God's design

God doesn’t make garbage. He created you perfectly…now why would you want to change?

Like an engineer or architect who spends hours drawing out the plans for a beautiful and intricate building, God gave attention to choosing your parents and deciding the exact color of your eyes. There are details, like the freckle on your palm or the dimple on your chin which God gave specifically to you!

Sometimes the differences you see or the things you don’t like are the exact things that make you…well YOU!

A few years ago when this reading came up, I became very troubled. I felt as though God would be disappointed in me because I color my hair. I mean he created me with dark brown hair, could it possibly upset him that I change it to blond? I was conflicted because if God created me perfectly, then why would I change? I actually got pretty emotional about it because I also perm my hair, which many people think is natural because I’ve had curly hair since I was 17! That’s 30 years of changing my appearance from how God created me. I started to feel as though I had been betraying God!

I know it sounds quite extreme.

Through some more reflection and discussion with my bible study group, I was reminded that my body (and hair) is just my physical being which I am using while here on earth. What God created perfectly is my interior, not my exterior. This realization and understanding REALLY eased my mind and kept me from a potential anxiety attack :-p

Now when people say things like, “I love your hair” or “I knew it was you when I saw the curls”, I just smile and feel God give me a big hug. God knows that what they see is his child, his beloved, not for who I am on the outside but for who I am on the inside!

Raised Their Eyes

Raised Their Eyes

Thousands of Blessings

Thousands of Blessings