Making Scripture Relevant

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You Send Light

The Sacrament of Reconciliation just may be one of the most misunderstood traditions/practices of the Catholic Church; not only among non-Catholics but within the circles of practicing Catholics too.

Many wonder WHY you need to tell someone your sins especially when you don’t even want to think about them yourself. 

This kind of thinking simply keeps you from the grace you can receive through the Sacrament. 

The word Sacrament comes from the Latin word sacramentum meaning "a sign of the sacred." 

The word Reconciliation also comes from a Latin word, reconciliationem which means to “re-establish”. 

Toss in the definition of the word “of” and at the core, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is “a sign of the sacred coming from re-establishment”. 

The “sign of the sacred” is the one on one personal encounter with Christ (represented by the Priest to whom you confess) you have when you confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness; the Priest then lays his hands over you calling down the grace by which your sins will be absolved. 

You can kid yourself into thinking God doesn’t already know the sins you have committed, you may even think HE would NEVER forgive you! 

There is nowhere in the Bible that says God is incapable of putting you back together if you get broken or become lost. 

God is familiar with the darkness…He found the light is much better and He wants you to share in the light with Him.

This is why there is the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

It is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation that God’s grace re-establishes your relationship with Him and brings you from the darkness, into the light.

Some might say that “God already knows your sins so why do you need to confess?” but again when you look at the definition and realize it requires action on your part to complete the circle. 

When you just tell God our sin, you haven’t really taken responsibility for the sin; you haven’t been given your penance. 

This piece only comes when one receives the Sacrament, when you encounter God through the sacred sign. 

Then and only then do you receive the grace you need to be healed. 

Embrace the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

During Lent there are additional offerings of the Sacrament so if you don’t want to confess to your own parish priest, you can always attend a service at another parish.

If it has been a while since you have been, there are generally prayer aids provided by the parish to help you. 

God’ grace is waiting to be poured on YOU. 

God is waiting for you to come out of the darkness and into the light.