Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Called By God

I hear tories of the “good old days” when kids would play outside until the streetlights came on. It’s stories like this that bring back memories of riding bikes around the neighborhood, making new friends at the playground and skinned knees that didn’t keep you from playing. A time when kids would play imaginary games and didn’t need expensive toys or equipment, they were just free.

This is what David was doing when God calls him for the very special job of leading the people. David was out tending to the sheep, practicing hitting targets with his sling shot and deciphering the shapes of the clouds. The scripture says when David came on the scene he made a splendid appearance. I think he was just excited to be invited in for dinner after his long day in the fields. 😉

Like David, you and I are called by God at a young age. You may not have a clear memory of it but it is there if you take time to ponder it. Sometimes it’s a message you faintly recall as though it is a dream or a desire that was placed in your heart that still nags at you as something you want to do in your life but never took the time to pursue it. Perhaps you can describe the encounter in detail and it’s a moment that has lead you on the path you are on today.

No matter if you remember or not you have been called and have a purpose. You too can come in for the feast after being out in the field. Allow God to guide your path and spend time listening to him. Perhaps you need a little reminder of the things that brought you joy when you were a child to help you get in touch with your call.

Jesus said you must have faith like a child to enter the kingdom; pause today to connect to your childhood dreams and contemplate how those dreams have come to fruition in your life.



On Fire

On Fire