Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Seek What is Above

Seek What is Above

Don’t be afraid to seek what is above! For years I have overlooked the sacrifice and courage it took for the women who anointed Jesus’ body to actually do so. It’s one of those small details which I’ve paid little attention to and have taken for granted.

Perhaps you are like me in coming to this understanding for the first time. Consider what it meant for the women to prepare Jesus for burial. This tradition was sacred and required much time and attention to detail out of respect.

Do you think the women acted out of obligation to the law?

Do you think they did it out of empathy or compassion for Jesus?

Why do you think the authorities allowed the women to do this?

What if the women would have been too afraid to ask?

I think this is often the case…at least for me. I don’t always speak up and say what I need or stand up for what is right. This is something I work on daily. I shouldn’t be afraid to seek what is good and right and just. Join me is reflecting on the actions of these women and what I can learn from their actions.

Breath of Life

Breath of Life

Saw and Believed

Saw and Believed