Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Good Tidings

Good Tidings

In the movie Spider-Man, Peter Parker’s uncle tells him that “with great power comes great responsibility”. I think of this scene of the movie often, especially in relationship to God’s blessings.

God doesn’t bless people in order for them to repay him in some way, but when someone does something nice for me, it inspires me to do something nice in return. I have been blessed with an exceptional husband, a loving, stable family and generous friends. I know these are extremely rare to have and I cannot just sit back ans say I’ve been blessed. I believe the phrase from Spider-Man applies to me and that I’ve been given great power and I have great responsibility to spread the Good News!

I’ve been given the great power of God’s love, grace and mercy! I can’t just hoard these gifts and I can’t just leave these gifts sitting on a shelf for a special occasion. God gave me (and you) these gifts with an unlimited supply…what else out there has that kind of promise to deliver!?!?

This specific scripture has inspired many people to go out and give their time through acts of kindness. They have started missions, they volunteer their time by doing service work and they give back in small ways by simply being kind to others. And it’s not always just within their own communities, some people are reaching across state lines and crossing boundaries into other countries to lend a hand and make a difference.

When a person is filled with the gift of God, the Holy Spirit doesn’t allow you to just sit still, it moves you! Jesus said we are his hands and feet to bring glad tidings to the poor, lonely and oppressed. I can only speak for me here, but I encounter people who fit this description every single day. I am sometimes the person who is down and out, frustrated by circumstances and I am in “poor” spirits, feeling lonely or left out or I’ve been held back. When this happens, I NEED YOU to share the Jesus in you to bring glad tidings and lift me out of my puddle and remind me that I am filled with the Holy Spirit and have a task to do!

Now during the holidays, there are many who are suffering loneliness, people who don’t feel welcomed and suffer from depression. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of our own tasks and obligations. However, it is just as easy to slow down and share glad tidings with others. I’m not talking about some grand gesture, rather something like holding open a door or sharing a smile with a stranger, looking the sales clerk or cashier in the eyes at the store and tell them thank you. These simple kindnesses can get overlooked when we are rushing around but are a great way to start sharing some of God’s good tidings!

Waiting for You

Waiting for You

