Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Waiting for You

Waiting for You

Wait. We wait for everything! We wait for a ride, wait for our meal, wait for the game to start. Wait.

There is an anticipation that comes with waiting for something big and exciting, like waiting to move into a new home, start a new job or for the arrival of a new baby. Then there is the agony of waiting for the surgery to be over or the results of a test to come back. We hate to wait!

The season of Advent brings another type of waiting. This waiting is a promise of something that has already been given and a reminder of the joy and peace it gives.

There are many people who will say heaven is something you work towards as though it is something you need to earn. Jesus didn’t come into the world to judge, he came to save. His birth gives us hope for a better tomorrow, even if w don’t always do or say the right things.

If you feel unworthy, consider where Jesus came into the world! It wasn’t a fancy castle but a little shed where the animals gathered. Mary and Joseph were young new parents trying to figure out what they would do next. Jesus is what makes us worthy! His love, grace and mercy make us holy! Open up and allow Jesus in…this is something you DON’T need to wait on!

Receive a Blessing

Receive a Blessing

Good Tidings

Good Tidings