Making Scripture Relevant

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He is the One

After supper Jesus went to pray in the Garden. Judas had already betrayed Jesus by making a deal with the Chief Priests. He would take them to Jesus and the Chief Priests would know which man was Jesus because Judas would kiss Him.

Isn’t it ironic how Judas identified Jesus by giving Him a kiss? A sign of affection.

Whether Judas knew it or not, He was testifying that Jesus was anointed by God. I think this is something to contemplate, that of all the Apostles, those identified as being at the Last Supper, those who were closest to Jesus, that the one who betrayed Jesus is the first one to say aloud for others to hear that Jesus is something special.

Of course, Peter, Jesus’ closest companion denies even knowing Jesus. Peter should have been the one shouting from the rooftops all the good things Jesus had done, but instead he went into hiding. However, Peter later comes around to testify that Jesus was anointed by God and does shout from the rooftops.

In the end, Peter and Judas both let Jesus down but they also both loved Jesus. It gives me hope that when I fall victim to human temptations, that Jesus will forgive me too. Jesus won’t just look upon my one or multiple betrayal(s) but will love me despite it/them. And it will be that love that will give me the strength to stand up and testify that Jesus is the one appointed by God to save the world from sin.