Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

I Will Do It

I Will Do It

I recently watched a movie where there were a couple of scenes containing drug use.  Specifically, where you see someone shoot up.

I’ve never done drugs so my only experience is seeing it in movies, however in this particular one, one of the characters talks through how it feels to another character who is doing the drug for the first time.

The actor’s facial expression and body language matched almost perfectly to the verbal description given.

I bring this up only to draw a comparison to these words in scripture.

“I will put my spirit in you” is like God is the drug.

“I will settle you” is the overwhelming calm and peace, the feeling of nothing can hurt me.

Then God says, “I have promised and I will do it.”

When I think of God putting His Spirit in me, even the thought calms me and fills me with overwhelming peace.  The Bible is the evidence that He will.

The One

The One

Create Us Anew

Create Us Anew