Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Create Us Anew

Create Us Anew

Lent reminds me of the life a seed.
The seed begins as the ashes on your forehead, the dark symbol that you are a sinner.
Then as you work to pray, give alms and fast, you fight against the world and yourself to be the person you want to be by participating in these disciplines.
But it is a struggle to change behavior and the darkness can pull at you.
There is so much that happens to the seed while it is under the soil. So much you cannot see.
This is you and I during Lent being pushed and pulled in all different directions, fighting within to do what is right instead of what is easy.
Then on Easter, Jesus is risen and the seed breaks through the darkness of the soil to sprout up to receive the sun/SON.
It’s a wonderful example of the Lenten Journey, or at least how I’ve experienced it to be.
A season of darkness, a time to work on myself and leave behind my sin so I can open myself up, make more room for Jesus.
It is not too late, it is still Lent. Begin the journey, restart the journey or press on…wherever you are…press on…the Savior is coming!

I Will Do It

I Will Do It

