Making Scripture Relevant

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Look to the heavens

Look to the heavens and you will find rest.

Yesterday my family lost a matriarch, my mother-in-law. Faith and family were the two most important things to her. She was raised in a Christian Church, attended a Christian College and her adult life was spent within a Christian Church family. She spent her days listening to praise music, mostly the Gaithers. She learned to play hymns on the organ from her mother, sang in the church choir (and a Barber Shop Group for a bit), and she only missed Sunday School when she was hospitalized. She listened or read most of Joyce Meyers books, finding comfort, healing and inspiration.

Though she struggled with illnesses throughout her life, she was always faithful. She loved God and this made her a good servant of the word. We look to the heavens to find our strength and are humbled by the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

May you rejoice in the heavens, Janet, peace be with you!