Making Scripture Relevant

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Love and Peace

“Greet one another with a holy kiss” (2Corinthians 13:13). These days with social distancing and masks, this is just awkward to consider.

Although it isn’t socially acceptable right now with the restrictions to embrace in a hug with someone you don’t live with, it doesn’t mean you can’t share with them a ‘holy kiss’ shown with your words and actions. There are multiple ways to share love and peace with others and make them feel welcome and seen without touching them physically.

I am reminded of Father Pat Tobin. He was a priest in the Kansas City St Joseph Diocese and would invite the community to share a ‘kiss of peace’ during Mass. It was unusual because the typical words used are ‘sign of peace’. Each time I’d attend Mass with Father Tobin and hear these words, I couldn’t help but feel loved or keep myself from letting out a little giggle.

Father Tobin had a gentleness about him which made you feel welcome. I recall the first time I met him. It was in 1998 and I was feeling a bit sad so I decided to walk up to the church which was a couple blocks from my house. When I was a kid, I’d often find comfort inside the worship space of a church, and this is what I desired. It was when I was on my way to leave when I heard a voice say, “hello”. When I turned towards the voice, I saw Father Tobin coming to meet me. We exchanged some words and before we departed he offered me his business card. I found this gesture interesting because I now had a tangible piece of this man to carry with me.

This is just the way he was and what he did; gave himself to others. In his life, he didn’t only serve as a pastor of a parish but he also worked to find ways to filter water for people who lived in areas of the world where there weren’t filtration systems. He spent time with Mother Teresa and her community, leading retreats for the sisters. He was also a spiritual force in building the organization Harvesters in the Kansas City area, which supplies food to many of the area food pantries in operation today.

I believe through his experiences of giving, he learned how we as humans all have the desire to be seen and feel loved. He understood the need for us to feel connected to one another and to something greater than ourselves. He knew it was the human condition so when he invited us to share a ‘kiss of peace’ he was inviting us into something deeper and more intimate. He was calling us to share ourselves with one another.

When I reflect on it, I of course thing of Jesus and how he gave his body and blood to us, not only as a sign, but for real! I think Father Tobin was a living example of this too. He felt it wasn’t enough to only be a SIGN of peace but wanted us to give more of ourselves to truly express the love and peace we desire to share with others. He was a role model of a life lived sharing love and peace by giving himself to others and helping to make the world a better place!