Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Search My Heart

Search My Heart

Over the past few weeks, the scriptures keep reminding me that we are not alone.  It’s always been amazing and comforting how the scriptures speak to exactly what is happening in the world right now.  You’d think someone planned it…hehe…of course God did!!!

It’s how God reminds us that he is with us and gives us what we need.  No where in scripture does God say, “believe in me and you will never have to suffer or feel pain.”  We don’t follow him in order to avoid difficulties in our lives, instead we follow him so we don’t have to be alone in those difficult times.

The parables Jesus teaches are to help us understand the effort required of us to give all we can and if we fall short, than the Holy Spirit will get us the rest of the way.  Challenges in life are unique to each individual person, but we can all find relevance in the scriptures to help us through whatever it is we deal with.

Someone might complain that God isn’t “there” for them and not responding to their prayers.  If they only ask God for help and simply wait for God to fix the problem, well God isn’t super glue (something that fixes everything).  God shows up when you do.  If you are not doing anything to move in the direction to find a solution, then God isn’t going to do all of the work for you.  God wants you to be a team and will work with you to find the solution.

Sometimes people are giving and giving and giving so much that there isn’t any room for God to work with them.  Their egos get so big that they think they can fix anything that comes along by themselves and they don’t need God.  The scriptures have shown us that without God, we can end up trampled on and choked out.

It’s best if we partner with God and trust that when we work together, even in the tough times, it will be better.  The scripture reminds us that when we give to others and work to grow in our faith, that good fruit will come; God will make up for what we lack because our God is an awesome God!

Gold and Silver

Gold and Silver

Grow Together

Grow Together