Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Gold and Silver

Gold and Silver

If I asked if you are rich, how would you respond?  Generally, the first thought is to the amount of money you have in your bank account, or perhaps the lack of money.  At first thought, many think monetarily but that is the way of the world.  God doesn’t think in terms of money because money is not the currency of God. 

God sees treasure within.  It is God’s love that gives you value.  Love is what gives you worth and makes you rich.  It points you to your mission, without love, there is no purpose.  There is no dollar amount in existence to equate how much God loves you or how rich you feel when you have it.

You might think, why does God value me?  I’m carrying around 30 extra pounds, I ate cold pizza for breakfast and I lied to my friends about working late tonight because I want to binge watch the next season of Greys Anatomy.  I’m nothing special.  However, God doesn’t see you the way you see yourself.  He believes you are more precious than gold and silver!

When I look at myself as God does, I feel rich.  When my husband tells me I am beautiful, I feel rich.  When my daughters choose to spend time together, I feel rich.  When my parents set an example of faith, I feel rich.  When my family and friends stand up in support of one another in good times and not so good times, I feel rich.

When people say, “I may not be rich in money, but I’m rich in things money can’t buy,” they are referring to God’s currency.  They are measuring their worth, not in the things that you can put a price tag on, but the ones you can’t.  Such as the saying, “I’m not made of money, but my grandchild is priceless.”  God’s way teaches that there is more value to precious relationships, than in all the money in the world.

There are several movies where this concept is the story line.  Generally, it is a person who is self-involved, moving up the corporate ladder, has the condo in the city and the sports car that goes from zero to 100 in seconds.  They somehow get stuck in the middle of nowhere or lose everything because of a deal gone wrong, or maybe it’s the Ebenezer Scrooge type where they are dreaming and visited by past, present and future versions of themselves.  It’s a classic tale which has the same ending, the character comes to the conclusion the intimate relationships are more valuable than anything money could buy.  End scene. 

In the world, marketing experts work very hard to get you to think this product will make you happy or that car or house will show the world how important you are and thus will provide for all of your needs.  Instead, God says the opposite.  It’s much less glamorous to follow God’s ways, but the riches are much more abundant.  Plus, the feeling your sports car gives you when you are driving down the pacific coast might be fulfilling for the moment, but God’s love is unending and unconditional.  Eventually, your sports car will run out of gas.

Solomon's Prayer

Solomon's Prayer

Search My Heart

Search My Heart