Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Solomon's Prayer

Solomon's Prayer

Solomon asks God for an understanding heart so he could be a better King for the people.  He wanted to be able to know what is right and what is wrong.

Each time I face a decision, I have the quandary of whether I’m making a good decision or a bad one.  Honestly I am not the best decision maker.  If it’s a decision about something I don’t know much about, well, I’m not going to make a decision until I’m able to learn more about it.  If I’m forced into a decision, and don’t feel comfortable, then I’m likely to rebel against it.  Then if I do decide and it turns out terribly, then I beat myself up about it.

Perhaps this is how Solomon felt too.  He knew he was going to be the King and would be approached by many to help with make a decision; like Harry S. Truman, “The Buck Stops Here.”  It’s a lot of pressure!

In Solomon’s sleep, his insecurities were able to surface and he could talk to God about what he lacked.  I imagine, this could have been a point of stress or anxiety for Solomon which was why it came up in his dream.

As we know in scripture, or just from hearsay, King Solomon was a wise judge.  I think Solomon already had an understanding heart but he didn’t know it.  His prayer to God increased his ability to be aware of God’s presence when faced with a decision to make.  It’s like when you are pregnant and then all of a sudden everywhere you go, you see pregnant women, or when you decide to get a white car and now all you see on the road are white cars. 

Regardless, King Solomon had a desire, he made is request to God and God answered.  I think we can learn from King Solomon and listen for God to respond to us, even when we are asleep!

Come to the Water

Come to the Water

Gold and Silver

Gold and Silver