Making Scripture Relevant

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Thanks Giving

Thanksgiving.  It’s an American holiday celebrating the first settlers in America.  They were grateful they made it to the new land, learned to farm new crop and made new friends.

Today, Thanksgiving is a day where families gather, eat too much, watch football and scour the Black Friday ads.

This year, the family celebrations will most likely look different.  Traditional meals, age old recipes and some of the family favorites that everyone looks forward to, might need to be put on hold.

Like with the original settlers, there is something looming.  In 2020, the family gatherings will be reduced in size with precautions of social distancing and masks.

Despite the potential uncomfortableness or desire to throw caution to the wind and let the family traditions override, there is no denying the words that define the celebration in the first place…Thanks…Giving.

When this word is used in scripture, it is not defining the holiday we associate today.  God is speaking about giving thanks.  We gather in thanksgiving to honor God.  We express our gratitude in thanksgiving for the blessings our Father has bestowed upon us.  This is the core of what we gather to celebrate, our blessings. 

Though it might not seem like Thanksgiving without Aunt Connie’s Pumpkin Pie, the more important thing is to give thanks for the simple things.  Be grateful for those you CAN gather with, for the pillow on which you lay your head each night and the abundance God provides for you throughout the year.

Will it be difficult to maneuver through this season?  Yes, but look at what you have already achieved this year and the difficulties you’ve overcome.  This Thanksgiving don’t forget to give thanks to God for the blessings he’s provided.  And if your celebration is a bit different, don’t be sad, give thanks and make a vow to make it even better in the years to come.  Don’t take for granted what is truly worth celebrating.