Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.



Consider all of the ways you use water every day. It is one of life’s necessities. As Americans we often take for granted how often we use water AND how much water we use. We use it when we flush the toilet, take a shower or brush our teeth…and that is just in the bathroom!

Water is needed to brew coffee or tea and used to prepare/clean or cook food. It’s an important part of the daily rituals that help us as humans function. If you have ever had your water turned off or went camping at a primitive spot, then you might have some understanding of what it was like for the Israelite’s in the scripture.

However, even in our “advanced” age, there are still people in the world who live without clean water to drink, cook or wash. This essential resource isn’t the same water that Jesus is referring to in the scripture. Even though H20 is a something we cannot survive without, the “living water” he speaks about is something completely different. The “living water” doesn’t come from a well or a tap, rather it comes from within.

When you love God and follow Jesus’ example of how to love and consult the Holy Spirit to guide you in your words and actions, then you are familiar with “living water”. The water given by God starts within and it fills you to overflowing! It gives you all you need and enough to share!

Give thanks to God for the clean water you drink and the water used to make your life run smoothly. Also pray for (and take action if you can) those who are less fortunate and don’t have access to clean water on a regular basis. On earth, clean water is a luxury not provided to all but “living water” is available, you simply have to choose to accept it!



Journey With ME

Journey With ME