As a Mom, it is a part of the job description to kiss boo-boo’s and wipe away tears. However, when your children are small, it tends to be skinned knees and bumps on the head. CLICK FOR MORE…
I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.
All in Love
As a Mom, it is a part of the job description to kiss boo-boo’s and wipe away tears. However, when your children are small, it tends to be skinned knees and bumps on the head. CLICK FOR MORE…
I had an idea of the man I wanted to marry when I was in high school but the idea was superficial. I was focused on looks and status. CLICK FOR MORE…
No one is born without a Mother and a Father, although our experiences with those two individuals can look quite different. Despite the status of those human relationships, scripture reminds us there is still hope.. CLICK FOR MORE…
May this be the generation who finally listens to the words of Saint Paul and follow the example of Jesus. Let us love as Jesus loves and treat ALL people the way we want to be treated. CLICK FOR MORE…
My oldest daughter how she remembers a time when I threw a Little Debbie treat at her as she was headed out the door to catch her carpool. I certainly wasn’t bringing my best on THOSE days! CLICK FOR MORE…
As a child of God, I am living on my inheritance. God passed on the beauty of the earth and all he created on it and around it. CLICK FOR MORE…
Though I don’t eat meat, I don’t make a big deal about it. So, when someone would make something especially for me, even if I didn’t like it, I’d grin and bear it. That is until I didn’t. CLICK FOR MORE…
The focus is on more, work harder, get to the next level, hit the mark. It’s the hamster wheel, treadmill mentality, to wash, rinse, repeat until the goal has been met. CLICK FOR MORE…
If you win the lottery, there is often a grand plan of how to spend the money. Some include a donation to a charity, often after they have allocated for what they want to get first. CLICK FOR MORE…