Making Scripture Relevant

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Time or Season

There is no outline of what your life will be, you don’t have the ‘dummies guide to your life’ but you do have the BIBLE. This may not be your ‘jam’ but when I start to question or doubt what this life is about, I am grounded in the scripture. Why?

It’s the stories of redemption, of hope and of forgiveness. It’s the relationships between God and his people (you and me), also between Father and Son, dedication to one another, pride in doing what is right and understanding God already knows your story.

I think that last part is the key. I don’t know if I will die today or 50 years from now but it shouldn’t matter when or how. What would a person do with that information anyways? The important piece is for me to live my life each day as though it were my last, to get the most out of each moment. The phrase Carpe Diem, seize the day, is tossed about often as a charge to live life to the fullest.

For me, the way I do this is by seeking joy. I find this is how I get the most out of each moment. I seek the things that make me smile, laugh and make me happy. I pause to let the sun shine on my face and I look the person across the cash register in the eyes. This is my purpose.

We don’t have a playbook for life but we do have instructions in the Bible that help to make sense of the world and our place in it. Some people don’t think there is value in faith and say, “what if there is no God?'“ and I say that I’d rather live my life as if God exists than to find out later that I could have lived a more fulfilled life by following him.

This is not to say there will not be times or seasons in my life when I will suffer deep pain or experience loss. These are a part of the human experience, Jesus knows. The things I go through, I know I can survive them because Jesus suffered first. I don’t need to know when I will experience loss, instead trust that my faith will carry me through.

God knows my story. God was there at the beginning and he will be there at the end; he’s there in all the in between too. For me, this knowledge comes from the scripture. God was there through some hard times in the desert with the Israelite’s and with Jesus, he was there in times of abundance too. I put my trust in God and because of this, I don’t need to know the time or the season of anything, I can just acknowledge and appreciate the present moment of his presence.